You can find mirrors for the above downloads at as well.
Angstrom-Beagleboard-demo-image-glibc-ipk-2011.1-beagleboard.rootfs.tar.bz2 169M
Angstrom-Cloud9-IDE-eglibc-ipk-v2011.11-core-beagleboard-2011.11.21.img.gz 198M
Angstrom-Cloud9-IDE-eglibc-ipk-v2011.11-core-beagleboard.rootfs.tar.bz2 152M
Angstrom-TI-GNOME-image-eglibc-ipk-v2012.01-core-beagleboard-2012.01.11.img.gz 313M
Angstrom-systemd-GNOME-image-eglibc-ipk-v2012.05-beagleboard.rootfs.tar.bz2 64M
Angstrom-systemd-image-eglibc-ipk-v2012.12-beagleboard.rootfs.tar.bz2 16M
MLO-beagleboard 0
MLO-beagleboard-2011.12 44K
archive 12K
broken 190M
md5sums 4.0K
mkcard.txt 4.0K
modules-3.0.17+-r115a-beagleboard.tgz 9.0M
modules.tgz 0
sd-images 472M 472M
u-boot-beagleboard-2011.12-r4.img 324K
u-boot-beagleboard.img 0
u-boot.img 0
uImage 0
uImage-3.0.17-r115c-beagleboard-20120125152700.bin 3.3M
uImage-beagleboard.bin 3.3M
untested 1.5G
mmcinit mmc init mmc rescan 0 fatload mmc 0 82000000 MLO nand unlock nand ecc hw nandecc hw nand erase 0 80000 nand write 82000000 0 20000 nand write 82000000 20000 20000 nand write 82000000 40000 20000 nand write 82000000 60000 20000 fatload mmc 0 0x80200000 u-boot.img nand unlock nand ecc sw nandecc sw nand erase 80000 170000 nand write 0x80200000 80000 170000
These short notes aim to help beginners get a working Angstrom system running on the beagleboard.
$ sudo tar -xjv -C /media/rootfs -f /path/to/Angstrom-Beagleboard-demo-image*rootfs.tar.bz2This assumes that the SD card has the root filesystem (ext4) partition mounted as
.NOTE: Use external 5V supply and remove all USB connections from the Beagleboard when booting for the first time. Try USB later once you know it works.
Watch the serial port output. You should observe the following:
Some common problems and their fixes
set USB_MODE='networking'
and run the module reconfiguration script
The USER button on the beagleboard is your get-out-of-jail card. It allows reapir of a "bricked" beagleboard. If you break the software badly like writing a broken bootloader to NAND flash on the beagleboard, the USER button allows you to undo the mistake.
If you hold down the USER button at power on, the beagleboard will look for x-loader and boot loader code in the SD card instead of loading it from NAND flash. Under normal operation the the boot loader is located in NAND flash. In this normal case the kernel and filesystem still usually remain on the SD card.
Once the beagleboard has booted into the kernel, the USER button is just an input which can be used for any purpose you desire.
Once you have a working Angstrom system you may want to connect it to:
Time to visit the Angstrom User Guide.